Recipes: Cooking Videos

  • French Baked Potato
    French Baked Potato

    What to do with a plain old baked potato? Adorn it with steak and a caramelized onion sauce. Add a side salad, and that simple potato becomes a meal.

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  • Ground Beef & Pasta Skillet Primavera
    Ground Beef & Pasta Skillet Primavera

    This Italian-inspired recipe is a one-pot, fun to make and eat dish that combines ground beef, pasta, fresh zucchini and yellow squash.

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  • Mediterranean Beef and Veggie Wraps
    Mediterranean Beef and Veggie Wraps

    All the Mediterranean flavors that you love in a simple to make wrap.

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  • One-Dish Beef Stroganoff
    One-Dish Beef Stroganoff

    This one dish version of a classic contains protein, carbs, and vegetables to fuel optimal athletic performance.

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