Build Your Base Blog

  • Eating to Perform on a College Student’s Budget: 4 Ways to Maximizing Nutrition without Breaking the Bank

    College life can feel like a marathon. As a student-athlete, you're racing between classes, training, practice, games, studying, and social obligations, ...

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  • "How can I make healthy food choices in a college dining hall or when eating out?"

    A college dining hall or a restaurant may not seem like the ideal places to make healthy food choices, but with the right knowledge - it's entirely ...

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  • A Student Athlete's Guide to Hydration

    Hydration extends beyond just drinking water. As a student athlete, your body loses valuable electrolytes through sweat during intensive training and ...

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  • Fortified with Iron - An Essential Mineral for Athletes

    Iron is an indispensable mineral, especially for athletes. It plays a crucial role in physical performance and overall health. But why is it so important, ...

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  • Fueling Victory: Nutrition Tips for High School Athletes and Their Families

    Excelling on the sports field isn't only about relentless practice or innate talent. It also hinges on how you fuel your body. As a high school athlete, ...

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  • July is National Grilling Month!

    July is National Grilling Month! It’s a fun and convenient way to prepare a meal. Be sure to explore all the foods you can grill. Here are a few ...

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  • It’s Eat All Your Veggies Day!

    It’s Eat All Your Veggies Day! The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends making half your plate fruits and vegetables and to vary your veggies. Many ...

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  • The Importance of Breakfast for Athletes

    As an athlete, you already know that your nutrition plays a huge role in your performance on the field or court. But did you know that breakfast may be ...

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  • Global Running Day

    Global Running Day is a day that encourages people to get moving due to the positive physical and mental results that come from running and physical ...

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  • 3 Ways to Maximize Muscle Recovery

    3 Ways to Maximize Muscle Recovery with Protein As a student athlete, maximizing muscle recovery is crucial for your performance on the field or in the ...

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  • 5 Vitamins & Minerals that Athletes Need

    As an athlete, you are constantly pushing your body to its limits. To perform at your best, your body needs a wide range of vitamins and minerals to keep ...

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  • 3 Nutrition Essentials for Athletes

    3 Nutrition Essentials for Athletes As an athlete, your body is your most important tool. To perform at your best, it's important to fuel your body with ...

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