Build Your Base with Pennsylvania

Build Your Base is a comprehensive sports nutrition and training program that utilizes beef as its premier protein. It strives to prepare young athletes and their families for a successful sports season. This program provides a toolkit that contains ready-to-use material as well as resources that lead to overall success towards a healthful lifestyle through a collaborative partnership between the PA Beef Council, the South Dakota Beef Industry Council, Sanford Health, and the Sanford Sports Science Institute.

About Pennsylvania State Beef Council

The Pennsylvania Beef Council is a non-profit organization working on behalf of 23,000 beef, dairy and veal producers in the Commonwealth.
Pennsylvania’s 53,000 farm families continue to be the stewards of more than 7.7 million acres of farmland. With $7.7 billion in cash receipts annually from production agriculture, Pennsylvania farmers and agribusinesses are the leading economic driver in our state.